Our doctors specialize in performing precise dental work under magnification.
Our team provides dental workflows to our patients at the highest possible level
Dental treatments during COVID-19 Pandemic
The dental treaments of patients from the EU are available in full scale with the most strict Pandemic protocols.
The followings are required to enter our dentistry:
COVID Vaccination ID or Vaccination documentation
PCR test, no older than 72 hours
fever measurement
hygenic cleaning protocoll
saturation measurement
filling in COVID19 questionaire
Health protection equipment
Special air purifier that operates 24 hours a day.
Between shifts the air is purified by ozone.
Our staff uses pandemic-disposable clothing and keep the strict protocols during the treatments to make the area as safest as possible.
Munkatársaink járványügyi-egyszerhasználatos felszerelésben látják a pácienseinket szigorú protokollt betartása mellett, hogy a kezelések a lehető legbiztonságosabb körülmények között történjenek.